Rhythm: progressive lengthening of the PR intervals, until a P wave is dropped
2° AV block, Type I (Wenckebach).
PR: progressive lengthening with AV block
QRS: normal
QTc: normal
Chamber enlargement: none
Ischemia/Infarction: broad T waves in inferior leads (II, III, aVF) which begin at the J point of the QRS and seem to be “tugging” the ST-segment upwardà these broad and tall T waves are early, hyperacute T waves of transmural infarction. There are also “reciprocal changes” in V2-3 with ST-segment depression and T-wave inversion. These changes often represent infarction of the posterior wall.
Interpretation: This EKG represents an acute inferior-posterior MI with 2° AV block, type I (Wenckebach).